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STREACOMyhteensä tuotteet 19
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Näytä 1 Tulokset alkaen 0 - 40
Yhteensä 19 // list ?>
4010685 Raspberry PI -osat

Streacom VU1-Dial - silver
ST-VU1S-DIAL EAN 8718469092024
Liikkuvat kelavalitsimet eivät ole mitään uutta, ne ovat olleet käytössä galvanometrilaitteiden keksimisestä 1800-luvulla, ja ne yhdistetään yleisemmin äänilaitteisiin analogisen äänen aikakaudella, jolloin niitä käytettiin edustamaan äänenvoimakkuutta siis VU, Volume Unit. Se, mikä tekee tällaisesta...
40,30 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
3924686 Teollisuus barebonerungot

Streacom DB4 Fanless Cube-kotelo + Nano 120 Watt virtalähde - hopeinen
Tuulettimeton kuutiokotelo alumiinista hopeanvärinen, ulkoisella 120 watin virtalähteellä alennettuun hintaan, Mini-ITX-emolevyille kaikkiin pistorasioihin Intel & AMD, integroitu passiivinen prosessorin jäähdytys 65 wattiin TDP, GPU jopa 20 cm 5 x 3,5 tuuman ja 12 x 2,5 tuuman asemat.
464,30 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
3564654 Test Bench -kotelot

Streacom BC1 V2 Benchtable - titanium
ST-BC1T-V2 EAN 8718469091560
The BC1 V2, a familiar form factor but with a huge engineering re-design that is nothing short of spectacular. It aims to be more robust, more versatile, more functional, more practical and easier to use than ever before.Form FactorTest BenchPortable Open Platform BenchtableMotherboardATXor Mini-ITX, or Micro-ATX, or E-ATX extends beyond the sidesPSU CompatabilityATXFull ATX or SFXSFX-L PSU,...
183,50 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2911766 mITX -tietokonekotelot

Streacom DA2 V2 Mini-ITX kotelo - musta
ST-DA2B-V2 EAN 8718469091430
Tekniset yksityiskohdatMitat 180 x 286 x 340 mm L x K x SMateriaali alumiini anodisoitu, harjattu, teräsPaino 3,9 kgTilavuus 17,5LVäri mustaMuotokerroin Mini-ITX, Mini-DTXKaikki mahdolliset tuulettimetmax. 130 mm leveys kansimax. 180 mm leveys sivu1x 92 mm tuuletin takanaMahdolliset patterit yhteensä1x max. 280 mm sivuAsemapaikat6 x 2,5 tuumaa 3 x 3,5 tuumaaVirtalähde ATX,...
205,00 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2656877 Koteloiden tarvikkeet

STREACOM Front I/O Module USB Type-A, hopea
ST-DX2-FIOA-400S EAN 8718469091379
USB Type-C may be the future port of choice for all devices, but not everyone or every device is using it yet. With that in mind and to allow for upgrades to next-generation ports, the front IO on the DA2 was designed to be replaceable, giving customers choice and an upgrade path without having to replace the entire case.The Type-A front IO module is a direct replacement for the one...
28,60 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2656866 Koteloiden tarvikkeet

Streacom Typ-C USB 3.1 Gen2 kaapeli, 400mm
ST-USB-E2C-400 EAN 8718469091355
The USB E2C cable is designed as a direct replacement for the existing USB Type-C 3.0 19Pin cable pre-installed in the case, bringing support for newer motherboards that feature USB3.1 Gen2 ports.Suitable for cases that feature our Type-C front IO module, installation is easily done by replacing the existing cable secured by 2 screws either side of the Type-C cable socket housing.
34,80 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2473359 Micro ATX -tornikotelot (mATX)

Streacom ST-FC9B Alpha Optical, mATX-kotelo, musta
The FC9 Alpha takes all the great features of the original FC9 and improves upon then with small yet important changes. The drive tray has been re-design with variable drive positions, better airflow and now utilizes the new optical drive tray for easier installation and adjustment. The bottom panel has been updated with improved venting and more drive mounting locations, and USB ports have...
243,20 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2473357 Midi -tornikotelot (ATX)

Streacom ST-FC5B Alpha, passiivinen ATX-kotelo, musta
ST-FC5B ALPHA EAN 8718469090884
Following in its predecessors footsteps with the same minimalist styling, the FC5 Alpha brings even more refinement to this timeless sleek design.At the heart of these improvements is the updated bottom panel which is not only more robust but has been redesigned to optimize airflow, reducing internal temperatures. Motherboard size and drive storage options also benefit from this new design,...
269,60 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2473356 mITX -tietokonekotelot

Streacom ST-FC9S Alpha Optical, passiivinen mATX-kotelo, hopea
The FC9 Alpha takes all the great features of the original FC9 and improves upon then with small yet important changes. The drive tray has been re-design with variable drive positions, better airflow and now utilizes the new optical drive tray for easier installation and adjustment. The bottom panel has been updated with improved venting and more drive mounting locations, and USB ports have...
273,80 €
Arvioitu: 8 - 14 arkipäiviä
2473351 System-on-Chip (SoC) - mATX

Streacom ST-FC9B Alpha, passiivinen mATX-kotelo, musta
ST-FC9B-ALPHA EAN 8718469091003
The FC9 Alpha takes all the great features of the original FC9 and improves upon then with small yet important changes. The drive tray has been re-design with variable drive positions, better airflow and now utilizes the new optical drive tray for easier installation and adjustment. The bottom panel has been updated with improved venting and more drive mounting locations, and USB ports have...
272,30 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2473333 mITX -tietokonekotelot

Streacom DB4, passiivinen mITX-kotelo, musta
ST-DB4B EAN 8718469090464
The DB4 is a design masterpiece featuring a bi-symmetrical design that blurs the lines between technology and art. Every element of this case subtly screams premium, from the 13mm thick extruded aluminium side panels to the precision CNC’d internal frame, all perfectly blended together with our characteristically understated design tone.Key to its design are the identical sides of the...
350,50 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
2473279 mITX -tietokonekotelot

Streacom DA2 Mini-ITX-kotelo - hopea
ST-DA2S EAN 8718469091294
The DA2 is a compact ITX case designed to strike a balance between size and compatibility, allowing for high-performance components to fit comfortably in a small form factor space.What truly sets the DA2 apart from other SFF cases is its unique approach to mounting components. It utilizes a rail and bracket system that makes it incredibly versatile, greatly improving the range of hardware and...
184,40 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
1962746 Erikoisvirtalähteet

Streacom Nano120, passiivinen virtalähde, 120w
ST-NANO120 EAN 8718469090556
Designed to provide silent ATX power for ultra compact form factor computing, the Nano120 fanless PSU fits perfectly into all Streacom cases but can also be used as a silent PSU solution for any case.Featuring 120W of combined total power output, under & over output power protection, short safety protection, and connections for ATX24, SATA, IDE and 4PIN CPU power, the Nano120 is the natural...
81,50 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
1962715 Jäähdyttimien varaosat

Streacom HT4 Thermal Riser
STR#ST-HT4 EAN 8718469090488
The Streacom HT4 thermal riser has been designed to be used in conjunction with our new heatpipe direct touch passive CPU cooling solution and greatly increases motherboard compatibility by raising the heatpipes above conflicting components. Currently compatible with our FC9, FC10 and FC8, FC9 and FC10 ALPHA series chassis, the HT4 gives the included heatpipe solution an additional 32mm of...
38,30 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
1893086 Koteloiden tarvikkeet

Streacom VM1, VESA -kiinnikkeet NC1 -koteloon, musta
STR#ST-VM1 EAN 8718469090709
15,70 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
1893085 Koteloiden tarvikkeet

Streacom ST-DB4ODD DB4 Optical Drive Kit
ST-DB4ODD EAN 8718469091157
This accessory for the Streacom DB4 provides support for adding a slot loading optical drive to the DB4 chassis. The kit includes a new acrylic top panel and the mount bracket for an optical drive not supplied. To insert a disk simply push it into the slot in the top panel and to eject press anywhere around the centre on the top panel.Simple and elegant solutionAllows for an optical drive to...
39,70 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
1879036 Erikoisvirtalähteet

Streacom ZF240, 240W passiivinen ZeroFlex virtalähde
ST-ZF240 EAN 8718469090501
The Streacom ZeroFlex 240 has been designed to push the limits of compact and silent computing power.Encased in an all aluminium enclosure which is based on the Flex form factor 81.5×41.5x150mm, the ZeroFlex can deliver 240W of combined power without the need for any active cooling. This has been achieved by the use of high quality components and innovative circuit design which achieves...
181,10 €
Seuraava erä: 30.05.2025
1878556 Jäähdyttimien varaosat

Streacom SH2 Standard Length Heatpipes Varmer
STR#ST-SH2 EAN 8718469090624
Sarja 4 normaalipituista lämpöputkea Streacom -kotelon FC5 korvaavaksi tai modifioivaksi materiaaliksiFC9 ja FC10
33,20 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
477399 Jäähdyttimien varaosat

Streacom LH4 Extended Length Heatpipes
STR#ST-LH4 EAN 8718469090631
Sarja 4 erittäin pitkää pidennettyä lämpöputkea Streacom FC5 -kotelon yhteensopivuuden parantamiseksiFC9 ja FC10
39,60 €
Arvioitu: 5 - 20 arkipäiviä
Näytä 1 Tulokset alkaen 0 - 40
Yhteensä 19